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UK Tests Quantum Navigation Tech in Flight

© Sputnik / Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankA plane in the sky.
A plane in the sky. - Sputnik International, 1920, 13.05.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The United Kingdom has conducted flight trials of quantum-based technology that it hopes will allow for navigation independent of traditional satellite systems that use GPS, the Department for Science said on Monday.
The tests were conducted by quantum tech firm Infleqtion together with air defense industry company BAE Systems and defense tech company QinetiQ on May 9. The technology tested during a series of flights aboard a modified RJ100 jet included a compact atomic clock and an ultra-cold atom-based quantum system.
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While GPS jamming is relatively rare and does not directly impact an aircraft's flight path, the department expects quantum systems to provide an additional layer of security while offering a military advantage.
"Knowing reliably and precisely when and where any asset and sensor system are, feeds into additional options for platform design and capability. This will play a big role in supporting the development of next generation combat air systems," BAE Systems' sensing technology lead Henry White said.
The project received nearly 8 million pounds ($10 million) from the government as the UK seeks to become a quantum-enabled economy. The UK government unveiled a 2.5-billion-pound National Quantum Strategy last year that will support quantum computing projects over the next decade.
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